Quality, Supervision & Enforcement
The quality of healthcare is a subject of ongoing public debate.
Our team of specialised lawyers knows and understands the context in which the healthcare sector operates and has extensive experience with supervisory investigations by the authorities involved. We assist healthcare institutions in proceedings concerning imposed remedial measures, such as instructions, orders, orders for incremental penalty payments or administrative enforcement.
Our approach
Our lawyers have extensive experience in assisting healthcare institutions that are confronted with issues in the areas of quality, supervision & enforcement. Does a social worker always have to follow the professional standard or is there room for latitude? Does a healthcare institution always have to comply with requests for information from regulatory authorities such as the Health and Youth Care Inspectorate (IGJ), the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa), the Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) and the Dutch Data Protection Authority (AP)? Our lawyers will be happy to help you find practical solutions to these kinds of problems.
Our experience
Legal advice and support in conflicts regarding:
- Quality and safety of curative care and youth care
- The organization and governance of health care providers with a permit on the basis of the Wtzi
- Competition law
- Healthcare financing
- Privacy within the context of healthcare
- Contacts with regulatory authorities such as the IGJ, NZa, ACM and AP
Our clients
Care providers (healthcare & cure), the medical and medical devices industry and healthcare entrepreneurs.
Recent cases Quality, Supervision & Enforcement
- Assisting an independent treatment centre during an investigation and enforcement procedure in connection with shortcomings regarding the quality and safety of the care provided
- Assisting a laboratory in an investigation into the set-up and operation of a Laboratory Information System and automated electronic transmission of laboratory results
Vijf zaken die iedere MSB-bestuurder moet weten over de per 1 juli 2020 verplichte cliëntenraad
Medisch specialistische bedrijven moeten per 1 juli 2020 een cliëntenraad instellen als ze voldoen aan de voorwaarden uit de Wet medezeggenschap cliënten zorginstellingen 2018 (Wmcz 2018). Zo'n cliëntenraad krijgt ingrijpende bevoegdheden ten aanzien van de bedrijfsvoering van een MSB. Wilt u weten welke impact dit kan hebben op uw MSB? Klik dan hier.