Collaboration & Governance
There is an increase in specialisation and concentration in the world of healthcare providers. Government authorities and health insurers are also increasingly working on substituting expensive secondary healthcare for affordable primary healthcare. These developments lead to an increased need for multidisciplinary collaborations between, among others:
- Hospitals
- Medical specialist companies
- Specialised and independent treatment centres
- Home care institutions
- General practices
- Ambulance services
- Nursing homes and residential care
Cooperation between municipalities, mental healthcare institutions, youth care providers and institutions for sheltered housing appears to be of crucial importance to the development of an effective integrated approach and managing multi-problematic healthcare issues. This is particularly relevant in the areas of regular assistance, youth care and social support.
Designing and drafting collaboration agreements is often a complex process. Requirements and responsibilities must be aligned so that the quality, safety of the care, competition law aspects, tax issues and other set requirements are also safeguarded. Our experienced lawyers possess specialist knowledge with which they can support you with issues.
Our approach
Merger or partnership? Is it possible to outsource care to a private limited liability company without healthcare accreditation? Our lawyers have many years of specialist experience and knowledge of cooperation and governance. They are familiar with the obstacles and pitfalls that can arise in these areas. Together with our notarial practice, our lawyers will be happy to help you find practical answers to these types of questions and the final design of your collaboration.
Our experience
Legal advice and support in conflicts regarding:
- Cooperation between health care professionals
- Choice of legal person and cooperative structures
- Governance arrangements
Our clients
Care providers (healthcare & cure), the medical and medical devices industry, municipal authorities and healthcare entrepreneurs.
Recent cases Collaboration & Governance
- Advising on and implementing the organisation and structuring of an integrated natal care organisation (IGO) in respect of cooperation agreements between a hospital, multiple independent obstetricians’ surgeries and multiple maternity care organisations
- Advising a medical specialist company and hospital on drafting cooperation agreements with an independent treatment centre on the joint establishment and operation of a new treatment clinic
Vijf zaken die iedere MSB-bestuurder moet weten over de per 1 juli 2020 verplichte cliëntenraad
Medisch specialistische bedrijven moeten per 1 juli 2020 een cliëntenraad instellen als ze voldoen aan de voorwaarden uit de Wet medezeggenschap cliënten zorginstellingen 2018 (Wmcz 2018). Zo'n cliëntenraad krijgt ingrijpende bevoegdheden ten aanzien van de bedrijfsvoering van een MSB. Wilt u weten welke impact dit kan hebben op uw MSB? Klik dan hier.