Marcel Ruygvoorn
Lawyer | Partner Commercial Contracting & Dispute Resolution, Construction Law and Competition & EU

Marcel Ruygvoorn

Lawyer | Partner Commercial Contracting & Dispute Resolution, Construction Law and Competition & EU

Marcel Ruygvoorn has worked as a lawyer in the Commercial Contracting & Dispute Resolution practice group since 1996 and as a partner at Van Benthem & Keulen since 2004. Marcel’s expertise is: contract law and liability law. Marcel heads the Commercial Contracting & Dispute Resolution, Construction Law and Competition & EU practice groups.

In addition to his work as a lawyer and partner at Van Benthem & Keulen, Marcel is also a Special Professor (bijzonder hoogleraar) at Utrecht University where he holds the Chair in “National and International Commercial Contracting” at the Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance.

Marcel got his PhD in 2009 with the thesis ‘Broken off negotiations and the legal qualification of reservations’. Marcel has worked in the legal profession since 1996 and was a company lawyer with Royal Dutch Shell before that.

What distinguishes Marcel as a lawyer is his motto ‘Settle if you can, but litigate sharply, if necessary!’.  

From September 2016 until January 2020 Marcel has been a member of the Executive Board of Van Benthem & Keulen.

Marcel likes to contribute to the professional development of his relations and frequently acts as speaker at the iura actua Contract Law. Marcel is one of the regular experts in the podcast 'Licht op Legal' by Van Benthem & Keulen.


  • Liability law
  • Construction law (building systems engineering)
  • Procedural law
  • Contract law
  • Dispute resolution
  • (Precontractual) liability

About Marcel Ruygvoorn

After graduating from Leiden University Marcel followed the postgraduate Grotius specialisation course in Transport Law and the professionally focused degree course for company lawyers.

Marcel is a member of the Dutch Association for Procedural Law (NVvP) and is on the editorial board of the magazine Bedrijfsjuridische Berichten. In addition, Marcel is also a honorary university lecturer at the Molengraaff Institute of Utrecht University and also holds a number of visiting lecturerships with inter alia De Juridische Academie, Academie voor de Rechtspraktijk, SSR, Stichting Beroepsopleiding Bedrijfsjuristen, the VU Law Academy and the CPO.