Walter Engelhart
Walter Engelhart joined Van Benthem & Keulen as a lawyer in 1999. In 2010, he became a partner and headed the Procurement Law team. As of January 2025, Walter is Of Counsel.
What distinguishes Walter is that he always puts service first, thus establishing lasting relationships with his clients. A core quality of Walter is his ability to explain complex matters in simple terms.
Walter advises and assists clients in matters of procurement law and/or contract law. Where necessary, he uses his expertise and broad experience in litigation.
Walter's clients are not only government and semi-government authorities but also companies in the service, production industry and construction sectors.
- Procurement law
- Contract law
About Walter Engelhart
Walter regularly gives presentations and workshops and speaks at seminars and other meetings on topics in the area of procurement law.
Walter acts as a peer supervision (Intervision) moderator and is listed in the Peer Supervision Moderators Register (Register gespreksleiders Intervisie) of the Dutch Bar Association.
Walter is a board member of the Dutch Association for Procurement Law (NVvA).