Insurance Law
Insurance contracts come in various shapes and sizes. Think of liability insurance, travel insurance and home and buildings insurance. But do not forget disability insurance and life insurance.
Insurance law, as laid down in Book 7 of the Dutch Civil Code, has been in place since 2006. However, we still see the traditional disputes, such as regarding the obligation to notify, the prescription of a claim and whether damage or losses are the aggrieved party’s own fault.
Our approach
The lawyers in the Liability & Insurance team have in-depth knowledge of insurance law. We work closely together with the lawyers of the Banking & Finance team who deal with issues relating to the Financial Supervision Act.
Our experience
We advise and conduct legal proceedings with respect to insurance law issues such as: term of prescription, policy cover, exclusions, own fault, the obligation to inform when concluding an insurance contract and the incident reporting.
Our clients
The lawyers in the Liability and Insurance team exclusively represent liability insurers, companies and hospitals.
Recent cases Insurance Law
- Proceedings concerning prescription under Section 7:942 (old) of the Netherlands Civil Code and transitory law
- Share in DD concerning scope of cover of fire/buildings/third-party liability insurance