Form rules within the second official preliminary draft of the Modernisation of Partnerships Act


In Monthly magazine for Business Law (Maandblad voor Ondernemingsrecht (MvO issue 3 - 4)), Martijn van Steensel wrote the article 'Form rules within the second official preliminary draft of the Modernisation of Partnerships Act'.

The second preliminary draft of the bill modernising partnerships aims to facilitate entrepreneurship, provide legal certainty and provide adequate protection for partners and creditors. Therefore, the preliminary draft sets few formal rules, to the detriment of legal certainty. In this article, Martijn discusses the most important formal rules or the lack thereof and their consequences.

The entire article can be read on the website of Boomjuridischtijdschriften.

The article in Maanblad voor Ondernemingsrecht is only available in Dutch. You can of course contact Martijn van Steensel for more information. All of our lawyers and (deputy) civil-law notaries are fluent in English and will be happy to help.
