(Information) warranties in takeover contracts viewed in light of the duty to investigate and disclose information


In Juridisch up to Date 2022 issue 11 (JutD 2022-0234), Juliette Wareman and Ilse Berends wrote the article '(Information) warranties in takeover contracts viewed in light of the duty to investigate and disclose information.

When purchasing or selling a company, the disclosure and investigation obligations are important. The (scope of the) duty of disclosure and investigation can be further framed between the parties in the purchase agreement, for instance through the due diligence conducted by the purchaser and by including warranties. One of the warranties usually included is the information warranty. In this article, Juliette and Ilse discuss the points of interest that apply to sellers and purchasers when negotiating an information warranty in purchase agreements.

The article was recently published in Juridisch up to Date and can be read via this link or downloaded in pdf via the button below. Please note the article is only available in Dutch. You can of course contact the authors of the article for more information. All of our lawyers speak fluent English and will be happy to help.

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