legal services

Van Benthem & Keulen, attorneys and notaries

Van Benthem & Keulen is the ambitious fullservice firm in the legal and notarial practices. We are located in Utrecht and are among the 20 largest firms in the Netherlands. Our firm focuses on large and medium-sized businesses and organisations and we have a strong presence in the retail, healthcare, financial, educational, energy and government sectors.


Events Van Benthem & Keulen for our relations and students

Do you want to stay informed of the current legal developments? Van Benthem & Keulen is organizing various events for its relations and students this spring. Most events take place online, from our own studio.
Would you like to know more about our events? On our Dutch event page you will find an overview of the events we are organizing this spring.
Note: alle events are in Dutch!


Van Benthem & Keulen again the best legal services provider in the Netherlands (MT1000)

As in 2019 and 2021, Van Benthem & Keulen has also been rated as the best legal services provider in the MT1000 in 2023. And we are proud of that! Besides the number 1 position within the Advocacy & Notarial Practice category, this year Van Benthem & Keulen also holds the 8th position in the full list of the 1,000 best business service providers of 2023.